Latest updates from across the academy

By Admin
11 November 2023 8:48 pm
A massive well done to over 50 students that passed their kyu gradings last Sunday, as JKS England national squad coach, Matt Price Sensei came to town!

As usual, grading day was accompanied by a special seminar, attended by around 80 members and guests. Matt Sensei started the day’s proceedings with a class for all grades, working on technical improvements but with sensei’s usual inspirational and fun approach to training.

At the grading, Matt Sensei commented about how impressed he was with the standard throughout the examination. This is great testament to the hard work that everyone has been putting in during the months leading up to the grading. Congratulations to everyone that passed!

Finally, Matt Sensei took the senior grades through a two-hour run through of both advanced katas and kumite drills. He explained the vital points of both Sochin (in particular, full body rotation) and Nijushiho (with special focus on the flow) before discussing kumite for gradings and then a broader look at defence structures in jiyu kumite.

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to sensei for travelling to visit us, to our members and guests for supporting the event and to our helpers for making sure the day ran so smoothly.

With this being the last Bristol-hosted special seminar of the year, we now look forward to next year’s programme of events – with some familiar faces likely to be on the bill but also some new ones. Keep your eyes peeled for updates in the coming months!