Latest updates from across the academy

By Admin
20 January 2025 6:23 pm

Well done to Finn Westcott, who picked up double bronze at the Elite Open Shito Ryu England Karate Championships in Essex on Sunday.

Finn picked up matching medals in Male Senior Kata and Male Open Weight Kumite at the event, held at Harlow Leisurezone.

Finn performed Gojushiho Sho against the 2024 British Open Kata Champion, Rhys Carter (Links Karate). While Finn gave it is all, Rhys took the win and went on to take silver, being beaten to gold by Peter Livett from  Yamaguchi Goju-Kai.

In the kumite, Finn went down fighting, with the match ending 2-0 to Finn’s opponent.

While this was the first event of the year for a Bristol Karate Academy competitor, our first as a group will take place at the English Karate Federation Children, Kyu Grade and Veteran Championships on 2nd February, representing JKS England.

Our first event as a squad representing Bristol Karate Academy will be the KSE Murayama Cup on 2nd March. We’re accepting entries from Academy members for this event until Sunday 26th January, so if you’re interested in taking part, make sure you fill in our Academy entry form by then!